Have you ever wondered why we call it a “restroom”? Originally, these spaces were designed as places of rest and relaxation.1 However, over time, they have transformed into places of stress, especially when it comes to managing odors.2

In this blog, I’ll explore the importance of managing odors in restrooms, the challenges that facility and cleaning managers face, and practical solutions to overcome these challenges.

The Importance of Managing Odor in Restrooms

Managing odors in restrooms is crucial for several reasons:

  • Health Risks: Bacteria and mold can cause unpleasant odors and pose health risks. These microorganisms thrive in damp, unclean environments, leading to potential infections and respiratory issues.3
  • Customer Experience: A foul-smelling restroom can significantly impact a guest’s experience and, consequently, a business’s reputation. No one wants to revisit a place where the restrooms are unpleasant and unpleasant smells are a top complaint.4
  • Cleanliness Indicator: Persistent odors are often a sign that the restroom isn’t clean. They indicate that there might be underlying issues such as hidden bacteria or mold that need to be addressed.

The Challenges Faced by Facility Managers

Facility managers face numerous challenges in maintaining odor-free restrooms:

  • Improper Cleaning Practices: A lack of proper training, high turnover rates, and the use of incorrect products can exacerbate odor problems. Without the right knowledge and tools, cleaning efforts can be ineffective or even counterproductive.
  • Grout Issues: Grout is a common source of odor. It’s everywhere in restrooms and when not sealed properly, it is not easy to clean. Grout can absorb odors and harbor bacteria, making it a persistent problem.
  • Constant Source of Smells: Restrooms are continuously used, and sources of smell are constantly being deposited. This makes it a never-ending battle to keep up.

Practical Solutions to Overcome These Challenges

To effectively manage restroom odors, consider the following solutions:

  • Proper Training and Equipment: Ensure that cleaning staff are well-trained and equipped with the right tools. Using dirty mop bucket solutions only spreads contaminants around, which is not effective cleaning.
  • Efficient and Efficient Cleaning Products: Select products that work quickly and attack the source of the odors at their source rather than just masking them. Here are the essentials:
    • All-Purpose Disinfectant: Quickly sanitizes hard, nonporous surfaces to remove odor causing germs.
    • Toilet Bowl Disinfectant: Removes stains and kills odor-causing germs in toilets.
    • Urine Odor Remover: Breaks down urine odors and stains around urinals and toilets by attacking uric acid crystals.
    • Mold and Mildew Remover: Quickly tackles mold and mildew without the need for scrubbing.
  • Trial Products: Before purchasing cleaning products, trial them in your restrooms. During the cleaning process, soils mix with the chemistry, and the resulting scent could be awful. Test it out and get feedback from patrons.
  • Frequency and Timing: Successful restroom cleaning depends on the frequency and timing of cleaning tasks. Here’s a general framework:
    • Touch-Up Tasks: Quickly address minor issues during the day when the restroom is occupied.
    • Full Reset: Perform a thorough cleaning at least once per shift and at night when no one is present.
    • Tough Tasks: Tackle challenging tasks like mold and mildew removal once a week or during nighttime resets.

In summary, managing odors in restrooms is not just about maintaining a pleasant environment — it’s about ensuring health, enhancing customer experiences, and upholding the business’s reputation. I’ve explored the critical importance of odor management, the persistent challenges faced by facility managers, and practical solutions to tackle these issues effectively.

Now, it’s time to take action! Implement the strategies discussed: Invest in proper training and equipment, choose effective cleaning products, test them in your restrooms, and create a schedule that makes sense. By doing so, you’ll create a cleaner, more inviting space that leaves a positive impression on everyone who walks through your doors.

We may never return to the days when restrooms were places of rest and relaxation, but with the right strategies, we can transform them into spaces that are hygienic, fresh smelling, and far less stressful for everyone.