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5 Most Important Things to Know About Eco-Conscious Cleaning in Schools

Recently I was invited on Go Green Radio with Jill Buck to discuss professional cleaning and disinfecting with eco-conscious products, particularly in school environments. Below are 5 key takeaways from our conversation about the impact of effective cleaning in schools.

#1 — Children are not just little adults

Many people may consider schools to have the same cleaning needs as spaces occupied by adults. But in reality schools are as different from office buildings as healthcare facilities are.

Children eat, breathe, and drink more relative to their body size than adults, and of course their behaviors are very different from adults. For example, children can touch over 300 surfaces in as little as 30 minutes1. They tend to put their hands, toys and other items in their mouths. Children are also less likely to wash their hands after using the bathroom. Considering all the different behaviors of children, if something is on a surface, whether it be a germ or dirt or even a cleaning product, we should assume it will get on their hands, face and into their mouth.

#2 — Eco-conscious cleaners contribute to healthier environments for both students and staff in schools

Children learn better in clean environments2. Cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces can help prevent the spread of illness-causing germs which can help keep children and teachers from getting sick. Schools need to be cleaned and should be cleaned more frequently than other spaces because they tend to have more germs. One study found that teachers are exposed to 7 times more bacteria per square inch than doctors.

Eco-conscious cleaning products can provide the same benefits as traditional cleaning products while being a more comfortable option for professional cleaners, teachers and staff.

#3 — It’s easier than ever to switch to eco-conscious products by looking for the EPA Safer Choice and Design for the Environment logos

EPA Safer Choice and EPA Design for the Environment are certifications available for cleaning and maintenance products and EPA-registered disinfectants. They require that products are effective, can be used safely without personal protective equipment, and are made using only Safer Choice-approved ingredients. All these criteria make it easy for cleaning professionals to find products that meet your cleaning team’s needs, while being more comfortable for your staff and building occupants.

#4 — Eco-conscious products are effective AND more comfortable for professional cleaners and school staff

It’s time to accept that eco-conscious cleaning products work as well as traditional cleaning products. With disinfectants especially, I often remind people that all disinfectants are EPA-registered, and eco-conscious disinfectants go through exactly the same registration process as every other disinfectant.

Rather than think of eco-conscious products as being a separate category, I think of them as products that are effective PLUS have the added benefits of being less impactful on the environment while being more comfortable for the end users. Since teachers and other school staff are often asked to perform cleaning tasks, it’s important to choose products that are both easy and comfortable for them to use.

#5 — More facilities are requiring cleaning contracts to use eco-conscious products

At least 15 states require schools to purchase environmentally preferable products. Additionally, this year a new regulation was introduced in federal facilities to require new cleaning contracts to use eco-conscious products. Buildings and businesses seeking sustainability certifications like LEED are also required to purchase and use eco-conscious cleaners.

Listen to the full episode to learn more about trends in eco-conscious cleaning and disinfecting and how it can help you and your facility!

Full episode here.

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  1. Gerba, C.P. The Burden of Norovirus in Schools: Cengage Learning, 2016.
  2. Study: Ketchum Analytics conducted 29 "focus-group" experiments among children aged 8–9 and their parent. Children were randomly selected to enter one of two staged rooms (dirty or clean) and instructed to complete two timed creativity tasks. Once the tasks were finished, moderators conducted an in-depth debrief with the child and their parent. Ketchum's research team later analyzed videos from the experiment. After achieving inter-coder reliability, a team of three scorers scored each video for time-on-task. Results were averaged for each activity and each room.