Clorox Pro Blog

Brighter Futures: How Clean Schools Can Help Boost Attendance and Funding Prospects

Profile image of Jordan Bastian, MPH, CIC
Jordan Bastian, MPH, CIC
July 19, 2024

Parents and educators all share a common goal with the return to school: to provide children with the best possible education. Yet, there’s an often-overlooked factor that can impact student attendance, academic success, and overall well-being: the cleanliness of schools. This blog highlights how cleaning and disinfection may offer a solution to help schools boost attendance and funding.

The impact of illness on student attendance

In the coming weeks school classrooms will once again be bustling and filled with students but will also be filled with germs that can cause illnesses and send kids home. Did you know that elementary school students experience as many as 5–8 illnesses, while teens catch an average of 3–4 colds annually?1 And where there is illness, school absenteeism is sure to follow. As a parent of young school-aged children, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges posed by sniffling kids and days spent at home due to illness. In my work as an Infection Preventionist, I understand the critical role that clean school environments play in mitigating the spread of illnesses.

The cost of absenteeism in K–12 schools

It is vital for the health and welfare of students and staff that schools are well-maintained, clean, and offer a secure physical environment.2 Chronic absenteeism, defined as students missing at least 10% of their academic year, has doubled in K-12 schools in recent years.3 Staggeringly, initial data indicates that during the 2022–2023 school year, over 13 million students (27.85%) were chronically absent.4

According to a recent report, U.S. schools miss out on $10.7 billion every year because of student absence.5 These losses affect school funding, teacher-student ratios, and the overall quality of education. Schools face challenges in maintaining programs, hiring qualified staff, and providing essential resources when attendance rates decline. Use this School Absenteeism Calculator to determine the cost of absenteeism in your school of students and teachers.

Improving student attendance in schools can help maintain school budgets under state funding models. The total average number of school days attended by students is used to determine funding for many schools. Chronic absenteeism, major illness outbreaks, or significant weather-related shutdowns may negatively impact a school’s budget.

Clean schools for brighter futures

One effective way to help prevent illness and increase attendance is through environmental cleanliness of schools. Regular cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces in shared spaces — such as desks, doorknobs and handrails — can help prevent the spread of illness-causing viruses and bacteria. EPA-registered disinfectants with claims against common pathogens can help eliminate germs that survive on surfaces for days to even weeks.6 According to a recent study, germs levels on desktops and classroom surfaces were greatly reduced by using improved cleaning methods.7 Additionally, a study of an elementary school showed that increased cleaning and disinfection lowered student absences by 14%.8

Maintaining a clean and safe environment plays a crucial role in keeping students in school, supporting their health, and ensuring brighter futures for all. Invest in schools by prioritizing cleanliness and creating an environment where students are healthy and can thrive. Check out my latest whitepaper for more information on how cleaning can contribute to improved funding prospects for schools.

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  1. University of Utah Health. Should I be worried if my child gets sick too often? [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2024 May 17]. Available from:
  2. National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments. K-12 Physical Environment [Internet]. 2024. [cited 2024 May 17]. Available from:
  3. The White House. Chronic absenteeism and disrupted learning require an all-hands-on-deck approach [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from:
  4. Attendance Works. Chronic absence remained a significant challenge in 2022-23 [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 May 17]. Available from:
  5. CleanLink. A closer look at hand hygiene in schools and its impact on absenteeism [Internet]. 2019. [cited 2024 May 17]. Available from:
  6. Wißmann, J. E, et al. (2021). Persistence of pathogens on inanimate surfaces: A narrative review. Microorganisms, 9(2), 343.
  7. Shaughnessy R, Hernandez M, Haverinen-Shaughnessy U. Effects of classroom cleaning on student health: A longitudinal study. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2024 May 17];32(5):767–73. Available from:
  8. CloroxPro. Study Summary: Clorox® Total 360® System can help reduce absenteeism rates and bioburden in elementary schools [Internet]. 2019. [cited 2024 May 17]. Available from: