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The Power of Protecting with Purpose

Infection preventionists and Environmental Services (EVS) teams play a pivotal role in safeguarding the healthcare environment. From maintaining a clean environment to ensuring the well-being of patients, visitors and hospital staff, each day they take on the role of Protecting with Purpose.

There are many ways to define what it means to protect with purpose — it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario and for some, it’s a calling. At this year’s #APIC conference, we set out to capture insights about what motivates healthcare professionals in Protecting with Purpose and how this translates in the world of infection prevention.

Catherine Kroll, Director of Infection Prevention at PeaceHealth Pacific Northwest, takes inspiration from her niece, Annabel, who fought against C. diff at the age of 4. It’s Annabel who motivated Catherine to enter the healthcare industry, and who truly moves her to protect her patients with purpose each day.

For Frank Myers, Director of Infection Prevention & Clinical Epidemiology at UC San Diego Health, protecting with purpose means impact. He finds inspiration in knowing that he has helped others live healthier lives due to the incredible efforts of his team, whose vital knowledge addresses infectious disease challenges efficiently and effectively.

Passion also drives individuals in Protecting with Purpose. Director of Infection Prevention at Methodist Healthcare System, Deborah Klepac, treats every patient as if they were a family member, by maintaining a safe environment and ensuring the well-being of patients, visitors and all hospital staff.

Tyler Parsons, Public Health Nurse at the Cincinnati Health Department, is driven by his ethical responsibility to provide his patients with the best care possible, further preventing the spread of dangerous pathogens and communicable diseases. Protecting with Purpose is always top-of-mind for him.

Clorox Healthcare prides itself in supporting healthcare professionals in their mission of Protecting with Purpose each and every day. We’re as committed to cleaning, disinfecting and infection control as you are, and have been for more than a century. From product solutions and educational tools to providing you with the latest up to date information on practices and protocols, we strive to provide the community with resources that will aid you in keeping healthcare facilities nationwide clean and safe.

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